“What? That won’t work, “you say.

I ask, “Why? Have you tried it?”

You say, “Of course I do. And look, no one’s in my life. I don’t understand what you’re getting at.”

Often, when it comes to love and dating we shy away from being ourselves. We can do this in the most subtle ways: signing up for an online matchmaking service when our gut tells us that we really aren’t interested; posting an old or airbrushed photo on a dating site; playing hard-to-get when we really like the person; pretending to like something we don’t like to impress a date; feeling that we need to lose weight, get a better job, “you name it” to attract our mate.

I happen to believe that we’re meant to have what we want in our heart of hearts. If you want to attract soulmate love, you want it because there is someone walking this earth right now who was made specifically for you. And, this person will love you as you are, quirks and all. (If you’re still reading this, you at least are willing to believe this.) Now, the easiest and FASTEST way for them to recognize you is for you to be YOU.

If you want to meet your soulmate, start exploring who you are and following your inner guidance. Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

1) Find something that you love to do that would have you happy regardless of whether or not you meet someone. If it is also social, that’s great. It doesn’t have to be though. It's just important that it makes you happy. Happiness is an attractant. You can take dance lessons, join a book club, take up yoga. There are many couples who have met each other through a mutual interest.

2) Explore those things that you may have been putting off. People meet the love of their life at the oddest times: while shopping for their home, taking that trip of a lifetime, or looking to adopt a child.

3) Notice what uplifts you and what drains you. Start saying no to things and people that drain you. Believe it or not, the energy spent doing things that you don’t like or spending time with people who are energy drains can actually be a block to meeting your soulmate. By releasing these energy drains, you’re creating an opening for something new to happen. The more you take care of yourself in this way, the more attractive you are because you are energized and uplifted. And energy is a very good thing to have when you meet your love.

